The Skillful Pass
Tender & PQQ services range from:
Writing all answers. (Ghost writing is a more accurate description as the customer's knowledge is written down.)
Writing selected answers.
Reviewing proposed submissions or selected answers & making suggestions.
Planning & writing notes for how to answer selected questions.
Providing options & ideas to answer questions. (Some tenders restrict pages, words or characters in answers. Others do not. Different techniques are useful in answering the different types of questions.)
Preparing supporting evidence for answers. This includes listing photos to take, taking photos, preparing checklists & preparing procedures. (All quality, safety & environmental management system documents are available.)
Preparing & delivering bid presentations.
Assisting customers to check that specific items have been included when pricing.
Assisting customers to prepare pricing models.
Helping to manage risk e.g. hedging fuel for multi year contracts where prices will rise with RPI.
Analyzing the cost matrix for opportunities & risks.
The Skillful Pass has assisted customers in making tender & PQQ responses in areas such as:
Construction and contracting e.g. civil engineering, mechanical and electrical contracting.
Waste treatment, haulage & recycling.
Facilities management, cleaning, catering & security.
Grounds maintenance, landscaping, plant hire & construction.
Hire shop services including hire of access equipment and generators.
Vehicle maintenance & repair.
Supply of materials.
GPS vehicle trackers.
Testing, certification & servicing of lifting & fall arrest equipment.
Maintenance of fire & intruder alarms.
Supplying temporary employees.
Erecting marquees.
Installing solar photo voltaics.
Event management.
Video conferencing.
Hire of audio visual equipment.
Legal services.
Lift installation and maintenance.
Scaffold erection.
Many tenders & PQQs require specific quality, safety, environmental & other questions to be answered. The Skillful Pass provides consultancy in achieving quality, safety & environmental management system certifications. The experience & templates used in this work are often of use in tenders.
The Skillful Pass has assisted with writing quality submissions that have received full marks in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
The Skillful Pass asks questions on PQQs and tenders. The purpose of these includes trying to:
Get access to opportunities.
Exclude a competitor or competitors.
Ensure fairness e.g. with thresholds to trigger penalties.
Customers often prefer the Skillful Pass to asks difficult or awkward questions, as buyers do not associate the customers with these.
A selection of questions is provided on the Useful Tender Questions page.